About the training school

Organisers & lecturers

Petr Pajdla
Institute of Archaeology, Czech Acad Sci, Brno

Peter Tkáč
Masaryk University

Michael Kempf
University of Basel

Giacomo Bilotti
Kiel University


Zuzana Kopáčová
Institute of Archaeology, Czech Acad Sci, Brno
Finances, administration

Vít Kozák
Masaryk University
Teaching assistant

And the AIS CR team members…

Any questions?

Please direct any of your possible questions or inquiries to
Zuzana Kopáčová (kopacova@arub.cz ✉), and/or
Petr Pajdla (pajdla@arub.cz ✉).



The training (summer) school is organised as transnational access provision in the ATRIUM Project (Advancing Frontier Research in the Arts and Humanities) funded by the Horizon Europe research and innovation actions programme under grant agreement No. 101132163.


ARIADNE Research Infrastructure is a non-profit organisation that aggregates, integrates, and provides access to over 4 million archaeological data resources. Access is facilitated through the comprehensive data catalogue ARIADNE Portal (see the short video below for more details) and directly through a SPARQL endpoint to the linked-open data triple store, the ARIADNE Knowledge Base.

One of the goals of the training school is to enable programmatic access to these resources by introducing the basics of knowledge representation in the triple store, explaining the ARIADNE AO-Cat Ontology, and providing training in building SPARQL queries.


The Archaeological Information System of the Czech Republic (AIS CR) is a research infrastructure integrating digital resources and services on archaeology in the Czech Republic, and as such is one of many data providers in the ARIADNE Research Infrastructure. AIS CR is jointly operated by the Institutes of Archaeology of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Brno (IAB) and Prague (IAP).